


In 2002, SIDE INDUSTRIE,  a French family company specialized in solutions for the pumping of “difficult fluids”, invented a clean and safe way on how to lift raw effluents through the concept of Direct In-Line pumping with no wet well,  called  DIP Systeme® (56 models with flow rate : from 2 to 2000 m3/h /unit and head from 1 to 110 m) .

By lifting gravity effluent directly at the point of entry, without water loading or a wet well, the DIP SYSTEME® overcomes the drawbacks of retained volumes of effluent such as: dangerous gases (H2S), smells, sand and grease accumulation, equipment corrosion, structural erosion, clogged floaters….

References : over 2000 systems all over the world

Brands :  DIP System, SIDINOX, DIP-Booster, DOMODIP, DIPCut, DIPM, PM

Applications : Wastewater, Storm Water, Industrial Water ...

 2022 : DIP SYSTEME becomes OVERWATCH internationally under the aegis of Industrial Flow Solutions !